ECDMA Membership Guidance

If you want to become a member of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Association, you have to provide:

  • Fill out the application form that shows your experience against a selection of criteria set for ECDMA membership
  • Your up-to-date CV or LinkedIn profile that shows at least five years of work experience in the E-Commerce or Digital Marketing profession
  • Details of one or two supporters who can validate and verify your experience

ECDMA Membership Criteria

  • Impact on Profession of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing
  • Articles, Books, Academic Papers on the topics of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing
  • Awards in E-Commerce & Digital Marketing spheres: : Formal recognition of achievements, e.g., industry award, significant academic or corporate award, Fellow of another institute, chartered status.
  • Professional achivements
  • Entrepreneurship – creation of sucessfull business in e-commerce or digital marketing categories
  • Continuous professional development through course completion and certifications
  • Dissemination of professional knowledge through conducting workshops, masterclasses, and other training methods
  • Governance: Member/Chair of important governing boards or committees.

Providing Your Evidence

  • Fill out the application form, attach your CV and short essay 300 words maximum, where present your information about every criteria you meet. Describe your work experience in relation with criterias, add links to your publications.
  • To demonstrate your Professional impact, your statement(s) should detail your contributions to the field of e-commerce and digital marketing and the influence you have had. You must utilize the STAR technique when presenting your statement for this category, to effectively convey your experience with emphasis on the impact and influence you have had on the e-commerce & digital marketing profession or community.
  • Your statement should illustrate how your involvement in the e-commerce and digital marketing profession has resulted in invitations to share your expert knowledge and experience with others in public settings, as well as awards for the impact and success of your work. Additionally, you may include a URL as evidence to further support your position. This could be in the form of a conference schedule or public register, provided it is publicly accessible and does not require any login credentials.
  • When you make your application, you’ll need to provide details of a work-related supporter who can validate the accuracy of your evidence and a supporter who’s an existing ECDMA Member to verify that you’re ready to be a new Member and that your evidence is to the level expected of an ECDMA Member. They can be the same person.
  • When you’re ready to make your application, go to
    and follow the Join Us link to submit your completed application form along with your CV or LinkedIn profile and supporter details. 
  • Upon receipt of your application, the ECDMA team will contact your supporter(s) to request verification
  • After you and your supporter(s) have provided the required documentation to the ECDMA team, they will forward your application to the ECDMA Council for evaluation.
  • If the ECDMA Council approved your application, you will get an e-mail with the member certificate