Charter of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Association

Chapter 1: General Provisions

1.1 These Articles of Association establish the rules and procedures of E-COMMERCE & DIGITAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as the Association or ECDMA).

1.2 The purpose of the Association is to create a favorable environment for the exchange of experience, knowledge and establishment of business relations between representatives of e-commerce and digital marketing industry.

1.3 The Association operates on the basis of the principles of mutual assistance, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Chapter 2: Objectives and Subject of Activity of the Association

2.1 The Association has following goals:

2.1.1. creating favorable conditions for the development of the e-commerce and digital marketing industry;

2.1.2. promoting the development of the e-commerce and digital marketing industry and mentoring to realize positive changes in the economic and social environment;

2.1.3. supporting initiatives aimed at solving social, charitable, cultural, educational and social problems; 

2.1.4. promoting education in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing, increasing financial literacy of the population;

2.2. The subject of the Association’s activities is the implementation of the following activities aimed at achieving the goals for which the Association was established:

2.2.1. creation of favorable conditions for the development of e-commerce and digital marketing, professional communities and initiatives;

2.2.2. development and implementation of target programs, projects, activities and their financing within the framework of the Association’s statutory activities;

2.2.3. provision of socially useful and social services;

2.2.4. implementation of educational activities (including through conferences, forums, seminars, round tables, trainings, as well as courses within the framework of targeted programs and projects of the Association, including using Internet technologies), for the exchange of experience.

2.2.5. realization of consulting, expert activities in accordance with statutory objectives of the Association;

2.2.6. creation and support of electronic information resources on the Internet, covering the activities of the Association;

2.2.7. development and implementation of activities aimed at the development of the volunteer movement and mentoring;

2.3 The Association’s activities shall be aimed at achieving its statutory objectives.

**Chapter 3. Membership in the Association **

3.1 Membership in the Association is voluntary. Members of the Association retain their independence and rights.

3.2 Individuals with experience in the e-commerce and digital marketing industry may be members of the Association.

3.3 The conditions and procedure for becoming a member of the Association are established by the present Charter.

3.4. The decision on admission to membership in the Association is made on condition that the candidate meets the requirements and in accordance with the procedure established by the Charter.

3.5 Information about a person accepted as a  member of the Association shall be entered in the register of members of the Association, provided that such person has paid the entrance fee. The procedure and terms of payment of entrance fees shall be determined annually by the General Meeting of Members of the Council of the Association.

Chapter 4. Levels of Membership

4.1 Student


  • Current student or recent graduate (within 1 year) of an accredited institution in a field related to e-commerce or digital marketing.

  • Verification of student or recent graduate status.


  • Access to ECDMA educational resources.

  • Discounts on ECDMA events.

  • Opportunity to participate in ECDMA internship programs.

  • Ability to propose initiatives for the association.

4.2 Associate


  • At least 1 year of demonstrable experience in e-commerce or digital marketing.

  • Verification of professional experience (e.g., resume, portfolio, references).


  • All benefits of the Student level.

  • Ability to participate in the development of proposed industry regulations and standards.

4.3 Professional


  • At least 5 years of demonstrable experience in e-commerce or digital marketing.

  • Verification of professional experience.


  • All benefits of the Associate level.

  • Ability to participate in the development of educational material and professional certification.

4.4 Master


  • At least 10 years of demonstrable experience in e-commerce or digital marketing.

  • Verification of professional experience.

  • Evidence of significant contributions to the field (e.g., publications, presentations, leadership roles).


  • All benefits of the Associate and Professional levels.

  • Ability to serve on ECDMA committees.

  • Ability to vote on the acceptance of Professional and Master members.

4.5 Senior Member


  • A sustained record of significant contributions and impact in the field of e-commerce or digital marketing, as evidenced by:

    • National or international recognition for expertise (e.g., awards, prestigious publications, keynote speaker invitations).

    • Demonstrated leadership and influence within the profession (e.g., heading major initiatives, shaping industry trends, mentoring).

    • Impactful contributions to the field through innovation, research, or professional practice.

  • Letters of recommendation from at least two ECDMA Senior members or an ECDMA Council member.

  • ECDMA Council approval.


  • All benefits of the previous levels.

  • Ability to serve on ECDMA committees.

  • Ability to vote on the acceptance of Professional and Master members.

  • Ability to recommend new Senior Members.

  • Recognition as an ECDMA Senior Member, including a distinctive designation and profile highlighting achievements.

Chapter 5. Procedure for joining the Association

5.1 A person wishing to join the Association shall submit an application for membership. The application must include personal data, professional experience and motivation for joining.

5.2 Applications shall be considered by the Council of the Association. The decision to accept or reject the application is based on the candidate’s compliance with the conditions and objectives of the Association.

5.3 In some cases, an interview with the candidate may be conducted to gain more detailed knowledge of the candidate’s skills and motivation.

5.4 Upon review of the application, subject to acceptance, the candidate will be sent a notification of acceptance into the Association.

5.5 Upon joining, the new member has access to the resources and activities of the Association.

Chapter 6. Association Council

6.1 The supreme governing body of the Association is the Association Council, whose main function is to ensure that the Association’s activities are consistent with the goals for which it was established.

6.2 The quantitative composition of the Association Council may not be less than 5 (five) members, but may not exceed 10 (ten) members. 

6.3. The term of office of the members of the Association Council is 2 (two) years. The subsequent composition of the Association Council is formed by the former composition 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the expiration of the powers of the former composition of the Council of the Association.

6.4 Admission of a new member to the Association Council is carried out by the decision of the Association Council on the basis of the candidate’s application.

6.5 The competence of the Association Council shall include the following issues:

6.5.1. determination of priority directions of the Association’s activities, principles of formation and utilization of its property;

6.5.2. approval of target programs of the Association;

6.5.3. introduction of amendments to the Association’s Charter;

6.5.4. formation of the composition of Senior Members, making a decision on inclusion in the composition of Senior Members of new members, as well as early termination of their powers;

6.5.5. making decisions on changing the composition of the Association Council;

6.5.6. approval of annual reports and annual financial statements of the Association;

6.6. Transferring the powers of a member of the Association Council to a third person or another member of the Association Council (including by proxy) is not allowed.

Chapter 7. Final provisions

Article 1: Termination of Membership

7.1.1 Membership in the Association may be terminated by decision of the Association Council in case of violation by a member of the Association of the established rules and norms of behavior.

7.1.2 Upon termination of membership, a member of the Association shall not be entitled to demand the return of the membership fee or other material payment.

Article 2. Amendments and additions to the Charter

7.2.1 Amendments and additions to the Charter may be made by decision of the Association Council.

7.2.2 Amendments and additions to the Charter shall come into force after their approval by the Council of the Association.

Article 3. Final Provisions

7.3.1 The present Charter shall come into force from the moment of its approval by the Association Council.

7.3.2 All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the activities of the Association shall be resolved through negotiations and agreement of the parties.

7.3.3 Issues not regulated by this Charter shall be resolved by the Association Council.

The present Charter is drawn up on 3 sheets and approved by the Association Council.