Charter of E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Association

Chapter 1: General Provisions

1.1. These Articles of Association establish the rules and procedures of E-COMMERCE & DIGITAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as the Association or ECDMA).

1.2. The purpose of the Association is to create a favorable environment for the exchange of experience, knowledge, and establishment of business relations among all professionals contributing to the e-commerce and digital marketing industry, including but not limited to marketing, operations, IT, HR, PR, training, and commercial roles.

1.3. The Association operates on the basis of the principles of mutual assistance, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Chapter 2: Objectives and Subject of Activity of the Association

2.1. The Association has following goals:

2.1.1. Creating favorable conditions for the development of the e-commerce and digital marketing industry.

2.1.1. Promoting the development of the e-commerce and digital marketing industry and mentoring to realize positive changes in the economic and social environment.

2.1.3. Supporting initiatives aimed at solving social, charitable, cultural, educational, and social problems.

2.1.4. Promoting education in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing, increasing financial literacy of the population.

2.1.5. Promoting interdisciplinary collaboration among professionals in marketing, operations, IT, HR, PR, training, and commercial sectors to foster holistic development in the e-commerce and digital marketing industry.

2.1.6. Supporting initiatives that enhance professional development and address challenges specific to each function within the industry.

2.1.7. Encouraging and supporting research, scholarly work, and teaching activities related to e-commerce, digital marketing, and associated fields.

2.2. The subject of the Association’s activities is the implementation of the following activities aimed at achieving the goals for which the Association was established:

2.2.1. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of e-commerce and digital marketing, professional communities, and initiatives.

2.2.2. Development and implementation of target programs, projects, activities, and their financing within the framework of the Association’s statutory activities.

2.2.3. Provision of socially useful and social services.

2.2.4. Implementation of educational programs, workshops, and seminars tailored to the unique needs of different professional functions, including marketing, operations, IT, HR, PR, training, and commercial roles.

2.2.5. Realization of consulting and expert activities in accordance with the Association’s statutory objectives.

2.2.6. Creation and support of electronic information resources on the Internet covering the activities of the Association.

2.2.7. Development and implementation of activities aimed at the development of volunteer movements and mentoring.

2.2.8. Facilitation of networking events and platforms that encourage collaboration among diverse professional groups within the e-commerce and digital marketing sectors.

2.2.9. Engaging in related commercial or fundraising activities that include but are not limited to: Publishing books and acting as a publisher, Selling branded merchandise, Offering courses, certifications, assessments, and audits, Providing other services beneficial to the e-commerce and digital marketing community.

2.3. The Association’s activities shall be aimed at achieving its statutory objectives as set forth herein.

Chapter 3. Membership in the Association

3.1. Membership in the Association is voluntary. Members of the Association retain their independence and rights.

3.2. Individuals with experience or a professional interest in any function contributing to the e-commerce and digital marketing industry, including marketing, operations, IT, HR, PR, training, and commercial roles, may be members of the Association.

3.3. The conditions and procedure for becoming a member of the Association are established by the present Charter and relevant internal regulations.

3.4. The decision on admission to membership in the Association is made on condition that the candidate meets the requirements and in accordance with the procedure established by the Charter.

3.5. Information about a person accepted as a member of the Association shall be entered in the register of members of the Association, which is considered closed information and is not publicly disclosed.

3.6. Each accepted member receives a Membership Certificate containing a unique link that allows third parties to verify the authenticity and current validity of the membership.

3.7. The Association does not require an application fee. All fees, if any (e.g., for special services, certifications, or events), are listed and regularly updated at

3.8. The Association may, at its discretion, bestow “Honored Member” status upon individuals recognized as the most influential and highly accomplished professionals in the e-commerce and digital marketing fields. The details of this special category (criteria, privileges, and responsibilities) may be determined by the Council without further elaboration in this Charter.

Chapter 4. Levels of Membership

4.1 Student


  • Current student or recent graduate (within 1 year) of an accredited institution in a field related to e-commerce or digital marketing.
  • Verification of student or recent graduate status.


  • Access to ECDMA educational resources.
  • Discounts on ECDMA events.
  • Opportunity to participate in ECDMA internship programs.
  • Ability to propose initiatives for the association.

4.2 Associate


  • At least 1 year of demonstrable experience in a field related to e-commerce or digital marketing.
  • Verification of professional experience (e.g., resume, portfolio, references).


  • All benefits of the Student level.
  • Ability to participate in the development of proposed industry regulations and standards.

4.3 Professional


  • At least 5 years of demonstrable experience in a field related to e-commerce or digital marketing.
  • Verification of professional experience.


  • All benefits of the Associate level.
  • Ability to participate in the development of educational material and professional certification.

4.4 Master


  • At least 10 years of demonstrable experience in a field related to e-commerce or digital marketing.
  • Verification of professional experience.
  • Evidence of significant contributions to the field (e.g., publications, presentations, leadership roles).


  • All benefits of the Associate and Professional levels.
  • Ability to serve on ECDMA committees.
  • Ability to vote on the acceptance of Professional and Master members.

4.5 Senior Member


  • A sustained record of significant contributions and impact in the field of e-commerce or digital marketing, as evidenced by:
    • National or international recognition for expertise (e.g., awards, prestigious publications, keynote speaker invitations).
    • Demonstrated leadership and influence within the profession (e.g., heading major initiatives, shaping industry trends, mentoring).
    • Impactful contributions to the field through innovation, research, or professional practice.
  • Recommendation from at least two ECDMA Senior members or an ECDMA Council member.
  • ECDMA Council approval.


  • All benefits of the previous levels.
  • Ability to serve on ECDMA committees.
  • Ability to vote on the acceptance of Professional and Master members.
  • Ability to recommend new Senior Members.
  • Recognition as an ECDMA Senior Member, including a distinctive designation and profile highlighting achievements.

Chapter 5. Procedure for joining the Association

5.1. A person wishing to join the Association shall submit an application for membership, including personal data, professional experience across any relevant functions (e.g., marketing, operations, IT, HR, PR, training, commercial), and motivation for joining.

5.2. Applications shall be considered by the Council of the Association. The decision to accept or reject the application is based on the candidate’s compliance with the conditions and objectives of the Association.

5.3. In some cases, an interview with the candidate may be conducted to gain more detailed knowledge of the candidate’s skills and motivation.

5.4. Upon review of the application, subject to acceptance, the candidate will be sent a notification of acceptance into the Association.

5.5. Upon joining, the new member has access to the resources and activities of the Association.

Chapter 6. Association Council

6.1. The Association Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) shall comprise members representing a diverse range of professional functions within the e-commerce and digital marketing industry to ensure comprehensive governance and representation.

6.2. The quantitative composition of the Council may not be less than 5 (five) members, but may not exceed 10 (ten) members.

6.3. Term of Office and Formation of the Next Council

6.3.1. The term of office of the Council members is 3 (three) years.

6.3.2. The initial Council shall be composed of the Association’s founding members who meet the professional requirements and who have contributed significantly to establishing the Association.

6.3.3. The subsequent composition of the Council is formed by the outgoing Council no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the expiration of its powers.

6.3.4. If no new Council is chosen by the end of the 3-year term, the current Council shall continue to serve on an interim basis until a new Council is duly elected and approved.

6.3.5. Nominations for Council membership may be submitted by any current Council member, or by a Senior Member who deems a candidate suitably qualified.

6.3.6. The final list of new Council members is approved by a simple majority vote of the outgoing Council. In the event of a tie, the President (defined in Chapter 7) shall cast the deciding vote.

6.4. Admission of a new member to the Council outside the normal selection cycle is carried out by the decision of the Council on the basis of the candidate’s application and must be approved by a simple majority vote.

6.5. The competence of the Council shall include the following:

6.5.1. Determination of priority directions of the Association’s activities, principles of formation, and utilization of its property.

6.5.2. Approval of target programs of the Association.

6.5.3. Introduction of amendments to the Association’s Charter (see Chapter 9).

6.5.4. Formation of the composition of Senior Members, making a decision on inclusion in the composition of Senior Members of new members, as well as early termination of their powers.

6.5.5. Making decisions on changing the composition of the Council.

6.6. A Council meeting is considered quorate if at least half of the Council members (but no fewer than 3) are present in person or by agreed-upon remote communication.

6.7. Resolutions are adopted by a simple majority of votes of the Council members present, unless otherwise stated in this Charter.

6.8. The Leadership Transition Meetings (see Chapter 7.5) requires an in-person meeting at which all Council members are present (no remote attendance) and a majority of Senior Members is also present as observers or advisors.

6.9. Transferring the powers of a Council member to a third person or another Council member (including by proxy) is not allowed.

Chapter 7. The President

7.1. The President is the highest executive position within the Association and serves as its principal leader and official representative in all external affairs.

7.2. The President provides strategic direction, ensures compliance with the Charter, and upholds the Association’s mission and objectives.

7.3. Rights and Duties of the President

7.3.1. Represents the Association in external relations, including with government bodies, partner organizations, and media outlets.

7.3.2. Chairs meetings of the Council, sets meeting agendas, and casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

7.3.3. Oversees the implementation of the Association’s strategic initiatives and target programs approved by the Council.

7.3.4. Proposes amendments to the Charter, subject to Council approval.

7.3.5. Ensures that the Association’s finances and resources are managed responsibly and transparently.

7.3.6. May delegate specific tasks or responsibilities to other Council members or designated officers, but remains ultimately responsible for the execution of these tasks.

7.4. Term of Office and Election of the President

7.4.1. The initial President is appointed by unanimous agreement among the founding members of the Association.

7.4.2. The President’s term is indefinite, providing continuity of leadership.

7.4.3. Any vacancy in the presidency (due to voluntary resignation, permanent incapacity, or other extraordinary circumstance) shall be filled by a new President elected by unanimous vote of all current Council members.

7.5. The Council may end the President’s mandate or initiate a leadership transition only by a 100% (unanimous) vote of all serving Council members—that is:

7.5.1. Every Council seat must be filled.

7.5.2. Every Council member must vote “yes” (no abstentions or negative votes).

7.5.3. Such a vote can only be taken during an in-person meeting of the Council at which a majority of all Senior Members is also physically present as observers or advisors.

7.5.4. If the Council successfully reaches a unanimous vote to end the President’s mandate, the transition takes effect immediately.

7.5.5. At the same or a subsequent in-person meeting (where a majority of Senior Members is also present), the Council—again by 100% (unanimous) vote—shall elect a new President.

7.6. President’s Relationship with the Council

7.6.1. The President is an ex officio member of the Council and has full voting rights in Council decisions.

7.6.2. The President may veto any resolution that, in the President’s judgment, contradicts the core mission, objectives, or financial stability of the Association.

7.6.3. A presidential veto may be overridden only by a 100% (unanimous) vote of all Senior Members. (This means every Senior Member on record at the time of voting must support overriding the President’s veto for it to be valid.)

7.6.4. In all other respects, the President shall abide by and support the majority decisions of the Council, except where the veto power is exercised as described above.

Chapter 8. Final provisions

8.1. Membership in the Association may be terminated by decision of the Council in case of violation by a member of the established rules and norms of behavior.

8.2. Upon termination of membership, a member of the Association shall not be entitled to demand the return of any fees paid or other material payment.

8.3. All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the activities of the Association shall be resolved through negotiations and agreement of the parties.

8.4.  Issues not regulated by this Charter shall be resolved by the Council, with consideration for the diverse professional interests and functions represented within the Association.

Chapter 9. Amendments and Additions to the Charter

9.1. Amendments and additions to the Charter may be made by decision of the Council, in accordance with the procedure set forth in this Chapter.

9.2. Any member of the Council or the President may propose amendments or additions to the Charter.

9.3. The proposal must be submitted in writing to the Council at least 30 (thirty) days before the Council meeting where it will be discussed.

9.4. For an amendment to pass, two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Council must vote in favor, unless the amendment concerns the President’s role or powers.

9.5. If a proposed amendment pertains to the role or powers of the President, then the President’s concurrence is also required unless overridden by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the entire Council and a simple majority of the Senior Members.

9.6. Amendments and additions to the Charter shall come into force immediately upon their approval by the necessary majority of the Council (and, where applicable, concurrence by the President or the required Senior Members)

The present Charter comes into force from the moment of its approval by the Council of the Association.

The present Charter is drawn up on 7 sheets and approved by the Association Council.

Version 4. Approved by the Council December 12, 2024
Signrd by each Couicil Member